sf.RenderTexture is the little brother of sf.RenderWindow.
It implements the same 2D drawing and OpenGL-related functions (see their base class sf.RenderTarget for more details), the difference is that the result is stored in an off-screen texture rather than being show in a window.
Rendering to a texture can be useful in a variety of situations:
precomputing a complex static texture (like a level's background from multiple tiles) applying post-effects to the whole scene with shaders creating a sprite from a 3D object rendered with OpenGL etc. Usage example:
// Create a new render-window
var window = new RenderWindow(VideoMode(800, 600), "SFML window");
// Create a new render-texture
var texture = new RenderTexture (500, 500);
// The main loop
while (window.isOpen())
// Event processing
// ...
// Clear the whole texture with red color
// Draw stuff to the texture
texture.draw(sprite); // sprite is a sf.Sprite
texture.draw(shape); // shape is a sf.Shape
texture.draw(text); // text is a sf.Text
// We're done drawing to the texture
// Now we start rendering to the window, clear it first
// Draw the texture
var sprite = new Sprite () {texture = texture.getTexture};
// End the current frame and display its contents on screen
Like sf.RenderWindow, sf.RenderTexture is still able to render direct OpenGL stuff. It is even possible to mix together OpenGL calls and regular SFML drawing commands. If you need a depth buffer for 3D rendering, don't forget to request it when calling RenderTexture.create.
See also sf.RenderTarget, sf.RenderWindow, sf.View, sf.Texture